Movies! in the Month of September, 2017

1 10 2017

Some new, some old (though not that old).

The scariest movie:

Movies! in the Month of August, 2017

4 09 2017

With my travel in the middle of the month, I thought I might miss some good films but it turned out that summer releases aren’t that great anyway.  I did fine.  😉

The best.

Movies! in the Month of July, 2017

2 08 2017

Many good films in July including one Al Pacino classic from 1992 and one documentary.

My favorite was a Spanish film.

Movies! in the Month of June, 2017

10 07 2017

As I was away from Tokyo at the beginning and at the end of the month of June, not a whole lot of new films, but here we go.

The French and American comedies were really good but I think this was my favorite.

Movies! in the Month of May

4 06 2017

What I saw in theaters in May, 2017.

The best.